Saturday, November 27, 2010

A little bit of the underground...

Lately I've been a bit bored with everything. Especially this week. After having my wisdom teeth removed I've come to appreciate the crunchy foods that I've always neglected and also come to detest milkshakes, jello, and yogurt. I miss eating cereal and drinking soda through a straw. I just hope that all will be back to normal soon. But this week I've decided that there are a few things that I really want to try to do eventually. Here are just a couple that I decided on today.

1) While watching an Saturday Night Live marathon on VH1, I noticed that many of the actors were also writers and this got me thinking that it would be really cool to work for SNL. I've recently started to idolize Tina Fey, but not in a creepy stalkerish kind of way. Just that she's hilarious and an amazing writer seeing as she not only wrote for SNL for a while but also because she writes for 30 Rock along with acting in it. Unfortunately I googled the SNL application process and found out that you don't apply for Saturday Night Live. They have to choose you.

So... a possible goal is to work for NBC, but I have to figure out a way to get noticed. *mental note*

2) I want to discover new things. I want to see things that most people don't see; either because we choose not to or because we are negligent of our surroundings. I want to go places people don't. This idea was spawned by the Infiltration: Zine. I found this while stumbling, which is a website I recommend for the bored. Stumble Upon, that is. But Infiltration is something that's sparked an interest. We'll see where it takes me.

So all in all, while avoiding two major papers that are due within the next few weeks, I have in turn made a few decisions. So. Wish me luck and we'll see where I go.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I found this today on the Post Secret blog. It's not my post card but it sums up where I am right now.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Welcome Back

An Inner Dialogue

Good Evening, Fellow Travelers. Welcome to These Wondering Thoughts. Thank you for joining us. Tonight we have, Caleb.

Oh. Hi, There. It's been a while since our last meeting, hasn't it?

Yes, it has been, Caleb. How have you been.

Oh. I've been doing well. Just staying busy with work and school. You know? Those papers aren't going to write themselves. And someone needs to keep track of those planets. Did you know they got rid of Pluto? What a shame.

You know, that happened quite a while ago. And they didn't get rid of pluto. They merely demoted it to "Dwarf Planet" status.

Either way. How would you feel if you were demoted from "Voice" status to just "That-noise-I-hear-when-I-don't-clean-my-ears-out-all-the-way" status? You wouldn't like that very much, now would you?
I've always liked Pluto. I also like the blue M&M's more than any other color.

What? They taste the same.

"If you close your eyes!" (RENT reference, sorry.) Yes. I know. I guess it's just more fun to eat the blue ones, though.

How's that?

I don't know. They Just are...

Hmm... Ok. Well, Let's get back on topic.

Excellent Decision.

So what all has been going on with you. You said you've been working and going to school. What else?

Well... Not much really. Between my last update and now I got a Twitter, but I don't do much with it. Mostly I just read people's thoughts. I'm pretty boring which makes me wonder why I even have this blog in the first place, but that's a different story. Let's see... New stuff. Well. I bought a car in May. A White 1996 Mustang. It's nice. Needs some repairs, but I like it. It feels good to have a car, especially one that I've purchased on my own. I've made friends, I've lost friends. I found some friends that I thought had gone away and I'm holding on to some friendships that I secretly fear will dissolve soon. And I have glasses. But not the cool kind that I have to wear all the time. Nope. My glasses are specifically for reading. Like an old person's, which makes simple tasks difficult.

Difficult? I thought glasses were supposed to help. Care to elaborate?

Well.. Not really "difficult". But when I'm writing or reading I'm supposed to have them on. So When I'm sitting there doing whatever and someone decides to talk to me I have to either remove my glasses (Which gets annoying after a while. Taking them off. Putting them back on. On. Off. On. Off) or I can look over the edge of my glasses like I've seen countless elders doing. I'm not to fond of either choice. Also, I'm vain.

Yes. You are, but we won't get into that. You said You wonder why you even have this blog. Why is that?

I guess I started this blog originally because I'm a horrible trend follower. I hardly can think on my own. But I also started this blog in hopes that I would write more. As you can see it never caught on with me. But I'm hoping to start updating more often.

And why exactly is that?

Honestly, I decided to start this thing again because of a phone call a few weeks ago. I had just gotten out of class and I wanted to go out to lunch but I didn't feel like eating alone so I called a good friend of mine who, as it turned out, was unable to meet up that afternoon but still decided to hold a conversation with me. Now, I HATE talking on the phone. Probably one of my least favorite forms of communication mainly because there are no visual cues as to when the conversational partner is about to speak next, so I often accidentally interrupt or seem to rush him or her off the phone. But as it was, he and I continued to talk for about 15 or 20 minutes about a lot. Basically catching up because we hadn't seen each other in a few months. (I tend to cut myself out of groups if I feel uncomfortable. I don't see a reason for me being there, so I leave). He and I talked for about him being a college graduate and my goal of graduating eventually. I thought it was neat that he remembered that I was an English major and he congratulated me on decided to pair it with a second major and a possible minor to make myself more marketable. As we went on he challenged me to start writing again. Stories. Poems. Anything. So I guess I listened to him. He's always been a mentor for me. Luckily he's never steered me wrong. So I guess that's where I am.

And you would say your hope is...?

My hope is that I continue this blog and keep it up regularly. Not that I'm interesting or have anything exciting to say, but more so as an outlet. Maybe this'll turn out good. I hope so. As I sit here I can think of about 4 other things I SHOULD be doing but choose not to. Procrastination is my disease and I hope maturity is the cure. God, please let that cure come soon.

I sure hope so. It's been a pleasure, Caleb.

Thanks. Yes, it has.

Good evening. And many thanks to all of you who finished this.