Saturday, November 27, 2010

A little bit of the underground...

Lately I've been a bit bored with everything. Especially this week. After having my wisdom teeth removed I've come to appreciate the crunchy foods that I've always neglected and also come to detest milkshakes, jello, and yogurt. I miss eating cereal and drinking soda through a straw. I just hope that all will be back to normal soon. But this week I've decided that there are a few things that I really want to try to do eventually. Here are just a couple that I decided on today.

1) While watching an Saturday Night Live marathon on VH1, I noticed that many of the actors were also writers and this got me thinking that it would be really cool to work for SNL. I've recently started to idolize Tina Fey, but not in a creepy stalkerish kind of way. Just that she's hilarious and an amazing writer seeing as she not only wrote for SNL for a while but also because she writes for 30 Rock along with acting in it. Unfortunately I googled the SNL application process and found out that you don't apply for Saturday Night Live. They have to choose you.

So... a possible goal is to work for NBC, but I have to figure out a way to get noticed. *mental note*

2) I want to discover new things. I want to see things that most people don't see; either because we choose not to or because we are negligent of our surroundings. I want to go places people don't. This idea was spawned by the Infiltration: Zine. I found this while stumbling, which is a website I recommend for the bored. Stumble Upon, that is. But Infiltration is something that's sparked an interest. We'll see where it takes me.

So all in all, while avoiding two major papers that are due within the next few weeks, I have in turn made a few decisions. So. Wish me luck and we'll see where I go.

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