In 18 years of living, I have yet to find a person who likes Mondays, but I honestly don't understand where this dislike of Mondays comes from. I personally dislike most any day in which I have to wake up at a predetermined time for some activity in which I do not want to participate in. Yes, I know I have committed myself to the responsibilities of work and school, but I'm not going to say that I enjoy either one. I merely attend these two institutions because I must. I work for money. I am not financially stable, so I have chosen to work and buy things instead of not working and not being able to buy things. It's a simple process that requires minimal thought: Step 1) Work; Step 2) Buy things; Repeat. It is a shampoo simple process. You repeat as many times as needed. Sadly, it's an endless cycle. I need money, so I need a job.
Now on to school. Do I enjoy waking up at 6:30 a.m. again just to be assigned work that I do not want to do? Simple answer: No. As a High School graduate, I am able to sit and bum around and not learn anything. I finished the 12 to 13 years required by law. So why did I choose to keep going? To be completely honest, I don't know. I have chosen another 4 to 6 years of school in order to acquire a slip of paper that, layman's terms, says "Hey. You are good at English." But I did. I now wake up at 6:30 to fight over a bathroom so that I can be somewhat presentable for the upcoming day of school. Monday through Thursday, I attend Calhoun Community College from 8:00 a.m. to 10:45 am and from there, I trek to Off Campus College Bookstore (hereon referred to as The O.C.) and earn an income that is unsuitable for anyone to fully live off. Needless to say, I'm still at home.
All this said, I'm actually quite happy with my situation. Yes, I do put up with annoying and sometimes seemingly stupid people almost everyday, but it is a job. A good job. And I am on my way to an English Major. Don't ask me what I plan on doing after college, but right now, this is what I want. We will see where this goes... Kudos if you got through this whole thing.